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Sunday 6 November 2016

Secret Service agents rushed Donald Trump offstage on Saturday evening during a rally in Reno, Nevada after they determined a protester in the audience might  pose a threat to the Republican presidential candidate.

'Go! Go!' agents shouted as they whisked Trump away and a combination of local police and private security wrestled Austyn Crites, 33, to the ground in the front of the crowd.

Crites identifies as a Republican who supports Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to his Facebook page.

A senior Trump campaign official told DailyMail.com that the suspect, whom rally-goers already identified as an anti-Trump protester, caused a panic when he reached into his waistband.

At that point, the campaign official said, a voice called out: 'He's got a gun!'

Trump's protective detail sprang into action, pulling him offstage as a sea of bodies scattered, screams rang out and authorities dragged Crites away as he kicked and strained.

The U.S. Secret Service said in a statement that 'a commotion' had occurred 'in the crowd immediately in front of the stage' and 'an unidentified individual shouted, "gun".'
'Secret Service agents and Reno police officers immediately apprehended the subject.

Upon a thorough search of the subject and the surrounding area, no weapon was found,' the statement added.
Authorities never confirmed early reports that Crites or any civilians at the rally had a firearm.

The man has since been released.


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