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Thursday 27 October 2016

Outgoing ministers in Ghana could be forcibly evicted from their official residences if they fail to move out in time, under new laws.

Ministers and other government officials are being given a three-month deadline to hand over state-owned homes and vehicles, from the date of the new president's inauguration.

The law targets presidential appointees who try to cling on to the perks of office after a new leader is elected.

Ghana goes to the polls on 7 December.

After previous transfers of power, some officials have had to be forcibly evicted and had their state-owned vehicles seized after failing to hand them back.

The bill, which was passed by MPs on Wednesday evening, will now go to the president to sign into law.

Existing legislation requires officials to hand back government property after they leave office, but this is the first time a strict time limit has been applied.


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